Design Your Life – Part 1

Hello there to you all!

Hope your week has got off to a great start!

Thank you for the feedback on my new blog! Its been very encouraging so far and there seems to be much interest around Emotional Intelligence, Thinking and Mindsets! Which is great news!

One of the topics people are really interested in is the Life by Design topic as many people I know seem to be in transition – changing careers or new roles at home as mother, father, husband, wife, single parent and so on. 

Today I am re introducing the topic for those who did not see the outline on the blog last week at and tomorrow I will post the first step in how to approach it!

Anyone who knows me knows that I believe we can all do anything we put our mind to. However I also believe most people do not know what their hidden or special skills are.

All too often, fear prevents us from being vulnerable and taking a chance and when this happens, the likelihood of stepping out of our comfort zones is low. But for those brave enough, the rewards can be truly unbelievable!

Time and time again I have seen seemingly “ordinary” people do extraordinary things in life – often against all odds and with little education and experience. These are the stories I love the most and they all seem to start with a moment in time when the person loses their inhibition and realises enough is enough!

For most people, this is the easy part! It’s what comes next which is the tough stuff. Developing the will, skill, desire and determination to overcome the hurdles that will inevitably be placed before you.

I am a big believer in “life by design”. It’s a philosophy that requires you to do life audits and make decisions to take your life in a predetermined direction but with enough flexibility along the way to identify opportunities you may not have imagined.

Over the next few months I will share how I and others have done this. It requires emotional intelligence skills such as self awareness, self management and smart thinking to ensure you make the right decisions!

Join me and I’ll take you through some steps to help you along the way too! Later this week I will talk more about self awareness and how it’s pivotal to any type of success at home and at work!

Talk again soon!


Be kind

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